The 12 Top Skills that Employers Require in 2020

A new report by IBM reveals the skills that employers are looking for going into 2020.

Whilst digital skills will remain vital, executives are telling us that "soft" skills have surpassed them in importance.

The talent shortage is having a significant impact on employers. 45% of employers can’t find the skills they need. For large employers, the percentage is even higher at 67%.

By 2030, the global talent shortage could reach more than 85 million people. To be clear, the issue is not a shortage of workers – but a shortage of workers with the right skills.

67% of executives expect advancements in automation technology will require roles and skills that don’t even exist today. Most executives expect to feel the pressure sooner rather than later: Almost two-thirds predict that robotic, AI, and automation innovations will influence skills demand in the next five years.

“I expect AI to change 100 percent of jobs in the next five to ten years.”
Ginni Rometty, IBM Chairman, President, and CEO
60% of employers are also saying that applicants are not demonstrating sufficient communications skills to be considered for jobs. (Workforce Solutions Group)
Tie that into 61% of all young applicants believe that a lack of speaking skills has negatively affected them at work, with 54% claiming it even cost them a job interview.

Panjango Online supports young people to develop the skills needed in the modern world of work by placing them into the shoes of different professions and getting them to apply their skills to "real world" problems and scenarios.

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